just my views on art and the rest of the world lol
Published on May 25, 2010 By loukeeya In WinCustomize Talk

i was gonna post a post about a post post but then i got confused..........

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 25, 2010

Fuzzy Logic
And woe betide you if you upset the clique...

Oh please don't go there.

Thought you were over the high-school age/time.....

on May 25, 2010

Hey, loukeeya, do you need any stamps to post your post?
I recommend flat rate shipping boxes. if it fits it ships!

on May 25, 2010

I recommend flat rate shipping boxes. if it fits it ships!

No Weigh!?

on May 25, 2010


I recommend flat rate shipping boxes. if it fits it ships!

No Weigh!?


on May 25, 2010

I recommend flat rate shipping boxes. if it fits it ships!

With the amount of "crap" flying in both directions, we're going to need a GIANT box...

on May 25, 2010

Sheesh. Just what's the big deal? Why can't lou post what she wants? If you reply, you reply. If not, move on or post a skinning/Ps/Graphics/Computer/Game post.

I just don't get the issue, here. Skinners are free to post what they want, and they do. Or they can come to any old sandbox here...the more the merrier. Pixel Pushers Wanted!

I always thought we all could mix freely and learn from each other more than pixel pushing and more than jokes or games.... please don't cause me to change my mind.

In Ed's words,

"I'm going to watch from the sidelines for awhile my friend. I don't want to miss too much and would like to learn some of W7 desktops using Windowblinds.

I just entered Hospice care a few weeks ago and have had a terrible adjustment. It is better care than I was getting on the outside only with a shorter outcome date. I LOVE you all and everything you do. Stay in agreement with each other as much as possible, and drink up every draft of life."


on May 25, 2010


Quoting MindlessChaos, reply 32I recommend flat rate shipping boxes. if it fits it ships!
With the amount of "crap" flying in both directions, we're going to need a GIANT box...
Thats true. Maybe we should get a quote from Fedex Freight.

on May 25, 2010

What's this bullshit about, "when threads were about skinners helping skinners"???   As i recall, and I've been here a few years now, there has always been inane, silly and pointless threads to help break the monotony and bring a little fun to the boards.... and quite a few skinners began and/or participated in them. 

What's more, there are defined areas devoted to skinning both in the 'General' and 'Customization' sections, where skinners can help skinners, so what's the dig diff if this is posted in a 'general topic' area??  If this were posted in one of those "skinning" or "customization" boards (along with dozens of others) and skinners had to wade through dozens of inane, pointless and silly threads to reach the important bits, I could understand the objection... but it's not... and I can't.

And John, lighten up.  You've participated in more than a dozen or six pointless, inane and silly threads over the years, so dig your feet into those stirrups and squeeze your knees together... otherwise you'll fall off that high horse of yours.  In other words, he who is without sin.... and you know what they say about people who live in glass houses, dontcha.

on May 25, 2010

*applauds Starkers loudly*


Well said sir.

on May 25, 2010

Whatever , said what I'm gonna about this, I have my opinion, your welcome to yours.

on May 26, 2010

I don't know why people get all bent out of shape about posts like this.

  It all depends on who you are.

on May 26, 2010

oh dear the code pigeons have gone crazy today

on May 26, 2010

on May 28, 2010

No one complained about other posts, I stepped away from here for about a year now and I come to see people getting their panties in wad over nothing.  Take a look at the screenshot below and tell me you didn't participate in these some of these post are over 2 years old and no one complained about them and those that complain now i can bet have participated in them.

I've been around WC since the beginning, I too have seen the changes and post like this do not interfere with the functionalism of this community. 

on May 28, 2010

My personal opinion is this sort of post shouldn't be topping the list of Forum posts on the front page of Wincustomize.com, If I was a first time visitor I would be wondering if I had came to the wrong site.

- vStyler - Certainly the first time\occasional visitors would be wondering if they had came to the wrong site but I don't think for the single posts, just for the total place occupied by the Forum lists (latest news + recent forum posts) respect to the skins tiles on the Wincustomize HomePage,

for the same reason I posted "Hard life for new skins on the new site", sorry to say I had no other skinner backing me, as you can see: http://frankell.wincustomize.com/articles.aspx?aid=381826 

- loukeeya - I think it's just a question of feedback when you are in a funny way you don't aspect somebody will be arguing in a serious manner but it's also true the opposite if you are not feeling comfortable it's difficult to accept someone else funnies,

what's strange, "we" should be very keen on feedback isn't it ?

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