just my views on art and the rest of the world lol
Published on October 1, 2010 By loukeeya In Community

yesterday i had a visit from the cold case police informing me that they had a suspect and want me to go to court and try and get a conviction.

20 yrs ago a stranger broke into my flat raped and tortured me at knifepoint and then hounded me day and night for 7 months trying to get in and kill me. i had police come but he was never caught. now they have found him due to new dna techniques. i have never been so distraught in my life and was on the floor shaking and sobbing, it was as if it had just happened. he ruined my life and still 20 yrs on fills me with fear. i have to go to court and face a dreadful ordeal coz i need closure. he may not be convicted coz i am gonna be judged for what i am and my lifestyle. i have tried for years to find forgiveness in my heart but i cant, its so painful and living alone i had no one to comfort me. i had to run to my doctor who thankfully has sedated me as i dont know what i would have done.

the police were very kind and are going to support me through this coming ordeal, i may have to be moved for my safety away from my home and friends. yesterday i felt so alone and afraid. i am still trying to find a way to forgive but its difficult. i dont have any faith which i know helps some ppl, my life has been too full of abuse and pain to even hope there is a god looking out for me. i am not writing this coz i want sympathy i just dont want to be alone.

i am back living in fear and cant stop crying and shaking, how can one person do this to me? i may not be an avergage person but i am human and have feelings. all my life i have tried to stop others suffereing what i have endured, but forgiveness is so hard.

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on Oct 22, 2010

lol uvah - one one condition, no curried cabbages for starkers  lol     

on Oct 22, 2010

Whatever happens there are people here who will support you. I do think a support group is a very good idea. A few years ago (2007) I went through a series of 6 chemotherapy sessions for a type of cancer. I was a member of a support group at the time and with their help I was able to get  through it and still have a friend from there to this date. Try it, you'll like it. My heart also goes out to you. Know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many people here.

on Oct 22, 2010

Know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many people here.


Yes you are. (You're a good dude skyzyk).


one one condition, no curried cabbages for starkers


You want to make him cry? starkers without curried cabbage is like a cat without catnip.

on Oct 22, 2010

i cant express in words how all of your kind words and messages have meant to me, thankyou seems such a feeble one, but i am so thankful to you all xxx

on Oct 22, 2010

i cant express in words how all of your kind words and messages have meant to me, thankyou seems such a feeble one, but i am so thankful to you all xxx

Thank you is more than enough and is in no way feeble.  For one, nobody here offers support with the idea any kind of return would be forthcoming.  The idea is to offer something that has a positive effect in your life... and that's all well ever hope for.  The thank you's are a bonus and not expected or necessary, other than that they tell us something good has come of our thoughts.

lol uvah - one one condition, no curried cabbages for starkers lol

Now this line tells me things are looking up some, that you're in better spirits than you were a few days ago.  Now that pleases me immensely, to know that you have lifted and can have a bit of fun again.  Now that's something I do want to see, that you are able to enjoy yourself again.

on Oct 22, 2010

it's good to see they are looking after you so well......  

on Dec 15, 2010

hi guys sorry havent been on for a while. have had great difficulty coping, anorexia causing huge issues.

well today the police called to inform me the suspect has moved and they have no idea where he is. i am shocked and devestated coz if they dont find him there will b no trial and i will have suffered again for nothing. i cant live another 20 yrs with this pain its just too much. i barely leave the flat, cant eat coz i want the pain to end so seem to be starving myself instead of using a razor. my hopes have been dashed of being able to move on, i know its not the polices fault they been excellent, its just one of those  things.

peace and forgiveness eh? who was i kidding? x

on Dec 15, 2010

Its good too see you, I too have only just  started back again after 3 weeks in a mental hospital, I suffered depression  real bad  and was admitted into hospital I am on the mend now and taking 1 day at a time, its never easy  and things do get better I just wish its sooner rather than later but as I have been told it all takes time. I have been thinking of you and wonderd how you have been doing

on Dec 15, 2010

My sister asked me to post this here.  She said reading this helped her through a difficult time.

Lisa Earle McLeod

Posted March 16, 2009 | 08:21 PM (EST)

Forgiveness: Antidote or Absolution?

"I can never forgive him."

How many times have you heard that?

We all want our own mistakes to be forgiven. But how many of us truly want to forgive? Especially on the big stuff?

Every time I write about forgiveness I get angry letters from people virtually shouting, "Why should he/she be forgiven? What they did was wrong."

I would never minimize anyone's pain, but isn't that kind of the point of forgiveness?. If they hadn't done something wrong there would be no need to forgive them.

The whole act of forgiveness is predicated on the understanding that the other person committed a transgression.

I think one of reasons that we're often reluctant to grant someone the grace of forgiveness, is because we don't want to validate their bad behavior. We might forgive a spouse who forgets to bring home the dry cleaning, but if someone cheats on us, steals from us, or does something even worse, we want them to have to pay for their actions.

And if they refuse to own up to it, forgiveness is even harder to find.

So how do you forgive a person who shows no remorse? And why would you even want to?

Here's the big secret about forgiveness - you don't do it for them, you do it for you.

It's been said that denying forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. When you refuse to forgive, nothing bad happens to them, but a lot of bad things happen to you.

Think of the most resentful, angry, unhappy person you know. I bet they can rattle off a whole list of all the people who have done them wrong. Some of them probably even have it written down.

Doesn't that sound like a fun way to go through life?

I have no idea how people forgive drunk drivers who mow down their children, or evil leaders who commit genocide, or even spouses who cheat.

But they do, and I notice that the common denominator amongst people who can forgive is peace.

When someone does something awful to you, they take power away from you. But when you forgive them, you take it back.

Think about it, if someone sincerely apologizes and asks you for forgiveness, don't you feel better? Of course you do, because you feel heard and in charge of what happens next.

But you don't have to wait for them to show remorse to start.

If you're struggling to forgive someone, and they haven't owned up to their mistake, find a sympathetic ear, speak the hurt out loud, let the other person validate it, and begin the process of moving on.

Yes, you deserve to have your hurt acknowledged. But the person who caused it doesn't even have to be involved.

For what it's worth, in all likelihood whoever hurt you probably had some hurts done to them and they were just simply paying it forward. I know that can be hard to hear, and it doesn't mitigate whatever they did to you.

But it does illustrate why it's in your best interest to stop the chain of pain. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, but it does give you the power to move on.

Because who wants to spend the rest of their life with a belly full of poison?

--- and a note from me... I understand it may be difficult, but please try not to let that bastard know of anything but the strength and serenity that I pray you will find.  You can't change the past, but you can change how you deal with it.

on Dec 15, 2010

Loukeeya, he doesn't deserve forgiveness. I hope he burns in hell for all eternity and beyond. It's a way for you to release his grip on you. Well, your mind. You should make a mental exercise so's every time you think of him, you get up and do something. And make a conscious mental note at how easy that was. And every other time, guarenteed it will get easier. It helps to have support, but ultimately you and only you can beat this.

Make the effort darlin. It's so worth it. Merry Christmas

on Dec 15, 2010

I've been thinking about you, Lou, and wondering where you've been, hoping you were getting better, and just too busy with your life to post.  I'm SO saddened to hear the end to this trauma isn't as near as it seemed.  In a way, though, if he's running from the police, you have him more frightened of you than you are of him.  There should be at least a little consolation in that, right?

on Dec 15, 2010

i have a very big heart but am not yet ready for forgiveness, maybe if there is a trial i may be able too. i am not in a  happy place and fear thereb  will be no resolution. i know the police will make every effort to find  him but my only place of safety-home-now feels vulnerable.

you guys  are all so supportive, i know i may not seem thankgul but i truly am.

mrs starkers you are surrounded by love and am sure will soon be back to your dear self xx

on Dec 16, 2010

mrs starkers you are surrounded by love and am sure will soon be back to your dear self xx

thanks my Dear friend, and you too are surrounded by love , with in this  our  family community xx

on Jan 13, 2011

Just a quick update dear friends - i was informed this morn that the suspect was arrested 2 days ago, is being held in custody. of course he has denied everything so i will end up having to go to court, am so relieved tho very emotional. anyway much love to you all   

on Jan 13, 2011

YEAH!     I know you'll find the strength to testify when the day comes, but until then, live every day to its fullest and don't think about court until it happens.   I love you, Lou.

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